The experiences of a life-long Texan living in Toronto

Sunday, February 19, 2006

I'm Back, or How I Met My First Draft Dodger

Hey y'all. Yeah, I know it's been a while. As Gimpy wrote to me, Blogspot called, and they want their bandwidth back. The last month or so has been a doozy. Work has been pretty crazy, and my father underwent an aortic valve replacement surgery and isn't doing so well.

Anyway, I have a whole list of Canadian-related topics that I'm planning to start working through, and I'll begin with a story from last night....

Last night I went and saw local guitarist Jason Fowler, who was playing in the Acoustic Harvest series in Scarborough. Jason is the teacher of my guitar teacher and a phenomenal player and musician. At the concert, I shared a table with a couple and a friend of theirs, all of whom appeared to be in their mid to late 50s. We struck up a conversation in which I learned that the friend was American and had moved to Canada from Chicago. I asked what brought him here, and he said, "Well, it was 1968, and there was the Vietnam War and the Democratic Convention in Chicago...." Yes, my first draft dodger from the '60s!


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