The experiences of a life-long Texan living in Toronto

Saturday, September 03, 2005

The Mod Club

Went to my first show in Toronto last night. Louis XIV at The Mod Club Theatre. They played a great set, and the place was pretty cool. The biggest thing I noticed is that the club is really nice. After being in Austin for eleven years, where even the best live music venues are pretty much dumps (yeah Stubb's, Emo's, and the late Liberty Lunch, I'm talking about you), it was interesting to see a show at a place with hardwood floors, video monitors, and real glassware at the bar. Another surprise was that no one was toking up! A Louis XIV show (pretty much any show, actually) in Austin would have been cloudy with marijuana smoke. I wonder if it has anything to do with the smoking ban in Toronto. A similar ban just started in Austin on September 1.


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